Description: Curved tapered tips used to flow on molten wax.
Features: Used for waxing procedures and techniques.
Available Variations: GD1255 P.K. THOMAS WAXING INSTUMENTS
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Available Variations: GD1256 P.K. THOMAS WAXING INSTUMENTS
Description: Pointed burnisher used to perfect and enhance the supplemental and developmental grooves.
Available Variations: GD1257 P.K. THOMAS WAXING INSTUMENTS
Description: Similar to PKT-3, but with a rounded tip vs. a pointed one.
Available Variations: GD1258 P.K. THOMAS WAXING INSTUMENTS
Description: Modified carver used to perfect the external contours and remove excess wax at the cavo-surface margins.
Available Variations: GD1259 P.K. THOMAS WAXING INSTUMENTS
Description: Special carver used to remove excess wax as cusp ridges are developed; its contour maintains desired convexity at these ridges.
Available Variations: GD1260 P.K. THOMAS WAXING INSTUMENTS
Description: Shaw Waxing Instrument
Available Variations: GD1261
Available Variations: GD1262
Description: Shaw Carver
Available Variations: GD1263
Description: Shaw Burnisher
Available Variations: GD1264
Description: Shaw Spatula
Available Variations: GD1265